​​​​​​Contacts for all our other Agency Departments

All Departments are linked for more information:

> Agency Administration: main office: 602/909-7153 ceo@animalsandhumansindisaster.org

> Pets and People, Arizona Magazine: (formerly Phoenix Dog Magazine) 602/418-8939

>America, R U Prepared: Classes  and individual/group exercises in personal emergency preparedness whether at-home sheltering or evacuations!  480/773-8018

 >Cooperative Collaboration Coalition: Supporting new, rural, startup Non-profits, Businesses, and Groups.  602/616 -9866

>P.A.T.C.H.E.S (Protecting Animals Through Community Housing, Education & Support):  Facility for overflow shelter resources in the Valley of the Sun.  480/789-2320

>Avian Alliance: Educate and help our feathered companions

> Empty Bowl Pet Food Pantry: Mobile Community Programs in Arizona through their pets, helping people in crisis. 602/909-7153

​FEMA/Medical Reserve Corp Disasters -      Animals and Humans Vulnerable Populations, Individuals, Families, Neighbors 602/909-7153 

ARE you Resilient? 

Listen at the 1:42 mark to decide!

Please download the pet food list, highlighted below in blue, verify which human food is safe for pets as the supply chain for pet food may be interrupted.

 Text for fastest response or Call: 602-909-7153   for current status or

Click Google map link here for other places to get Pet and Human Food help.

CAll 211 or go to 211az.org  for pet and human help of every agency in your county, Be sure to call first, to make sure our partner agencies, currently have pet food.

>If you have run out of pet food, learn which human food is safe for your pet, below:

Working with Our Coalition Partners (Above and Below) 

Volunteer Match

Download these Guides


We return to our pre-pandemic Goals:

Will you help them, be their HERO? 

Please, a few seconds could make a difference to someone else! If you share a post on Facebook, did a 1  minute review at:   https://greatnonprofits.org/org/animals-and-humans-in-disaster-inc

OR passed an empty bowl around your business, group, friends, post our needs for cash, put out a box for item donations, or volunteer effort on your social media feeds~~ please? 

Pay Pal 's QR code

Business & Community Support,

You have given us $3,353,752 

In-kind Pet Food/Items and donated cash for all 

15 Counties in Arizona since 2010 ~ Thank You from all that you helped!

Resiliency to get through tough times! (Leadership Support)
Resiliency to get through tough times!  (Leadership Support) 1 member
Whether you are the leader of your family, your church, community group, nonprofit or other business - or even of yourself, if you want to learn how to be resilient, or help others chose resiliency over being stuck, longing for a past that has gone, maybe forever, this is the place for you! The most successful teachers know, that they teach what they want to learn more about! While animal books from W Bruce Cameron will be our North Star, we will be covering books from all categories, as long as they help us to understand resiliency and how to use t to make our lives, (or the lives or others better. After every disaster, people emerge in a "honeymoon " phase - just happy to have survived and ready to get back to their norm. Frequently, their "Norm" is gone, sometimes forever! There is a decent into helplessness, hopelessness, depression, despair, even thoughts of suicide. This can last up to years! People from vulnerable populations get overwhelmed. Do YOU want to make a difference? January 2022 to May is going to be our Phase 1. Please be flexible as we learn how to do this the best way. June through Early August will be our Phase 2 where we will bring in many more personal experiences of dealing with the challenges of loss and bringing in Resiliency. In late August through December 2022 We are going to deal with integrating Bruce's Study Guides for Children and Adults, extending Disaster Preparedness Month from September through January 8, 2023.

Books we've read

View this group on Goodreads »

​​​NEWS: Our address is mailing only: 

Animals & Humansin Disaster _we go to xommunities!

610 E. Bell Rd, Ste 2-271, Phoenix AZ 85022

 "Animals and Humans in Disaster, inc" is now our new agency name! under  IRS # 01 0975325, since 2018. Arizona Corporation Commission  completed our change in Arizona.  

Empty Bowl Pet Food Pantry has moved from agency name to become a department, as we re-organize and broaden our services to include humans in disasters with other department partners!

 We now have 2 vulnerable  client divisions: Animal and Humans!  Learn about our programs, transparency and non-profit status at:

https://www.guidestar.org/profile/01-0975325 or directly by searching for our tax exempt number or name at:   https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/tax-exempt-organization-search 

FRAUD Prevention  ALERT:  

See how to prevent fraud against You and Us. Please go to the page "Board Leadership" in the menu, for more information.

​​Are  we making a difference? 

 Would you please  volunteer for 3 minutes to click below,  to give us a review at Greater     Non Profits to help us continue!

New: Resiliency Book Club

Add and modify the code

Member, Governor's Arizona Citizen Corp Council/FEMA


​ This program was created to educate, train and provide personal, corporate or volunteer opportunities to make communities safer, stronger, better prepared to respond to disasters of any kind.

Please join our meetup group to be informed, prepared, and involved in your community in Arizona!  Our CEO has been elected the Vice-Chair of this state wide Coalition!.


Need More Human/Pet Help?  211 is a partner too!

     New Department: Build Hope and Resiliency!

We welcome a NEW department to the man Division of our organization!

UNITY SALSA unitysalsa@gmail.   www.unitysalsa.org

What happens during disaster? 

Depression, despair, helplessness hopelessness, ~ even thoughts of  suicide.

Do you know that they are discovering people are dying of "Broken Heart Syndrome",  ( takotsubo cardiomyopathy)- weeks after a disaster?

Did you know that you can generate your own endorphins with movement?  Look forward instead of back, in grief and despair, or help someone (or you), who may be stuck by checking out this new department!